Steering the Church Toward Body Life Leadership Guide Download to Print One
Church leaders, are you steering the Church toward God's Design for Body Life by promoting and practicing it in all you do?
God designed the Church to function as a Body, a living organism, with everybody having a part, living out the one-another commands of Scripture, in order to grow and mature.
Order this guide, specifically geared toward church leaders, to examine the following:
- how the type of leader you are might affect the way you promote and practice Body Life but does not excuse you from it
- three different components of Body life and personal barriers you might need to work through in order to steer the church in those directions rather than hinder it from happening.
- ways you can promote and practice Body Life in all your leadership responsibilities, using 25 different tasks as examples
Specifications: 8 1/2 x 11 PDF with 95 pages, download only
Table of Contents:
Content in this leadership guide has been taken in large part from the site.
Leaders Steer the Church toward God’s Design
Leaders Practice God’s Design for Interdependence
Leaders Model God's Design for Unity Out of Diversity
Leaders Live Out God's Design for Dignity of All
Leaders Promote & Practice Body Life in All They Do
Some of what we need to know about God's Design for the Church has already been covered in the Body Life Ministry Manual. This leadership guide specifically looks at the topic through the eyes and responsibilities of leaders whereas the Ministry Manual could be suitable for use with the entire church body. Consider ordering the Body Life Bundle which includes both resources.
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