Sowing Good into Our Lives Discipleship Acrostics Download

  • $5.77

Sowing good into our lives needs to go beyond the activity to the heart.

God's Word reminds us that we reap what we sow (Gal. 6:7-9). As believers we need to sow good into our lives so we reap a harvest of righteousness. While that certainly includes good activities, it isn't just the activities alone that yield the fruit but rather the motivations, attitudes, and perceptions that go into what we do.

This discipleship tool can be used as a personal discipleship tool, or with a group, to help you look beyond the surface of what you do, to the good traits that need to be sown into your heart.

You'll find an acrostic for each of the following activities. The first letter from each line spells out the activity believers need to sow into their lives. Each word used in the acrostic reflects a good trait (attitude, perspective, motive, etc.), that needs to be sown into that activity in order to make it an activity that truly pleases the Spirit and not the flesh.

Bible Reading & Study
Development of Christ-like Character
Relationships that are Healthy
You'll find two pages for each activity:
The first page contains the acrostic along with some related Scripture verses.
The second page personalizes it by asking you which of these traits need to be sown into your life, and then continues with questions to ponder and a suggestion for further study.

 Specifications: 8 1/2 x 11 PDF with 20 pages including the cover and about page; download only 

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  • You have permission to reproduce as many copies of this resource as needed for yourself or for a group you're discipling. It may not, however, be freely distributed beyond your sphere of ministry.
  • You have permission to use the acrostics as a basis for sermons as long as attribution is given.
  • You may not put this information in any format that you would sell.
  • You may not copy this resource in whole or in part onto a web site or into any other digital format.

About the Download:

This resource is only available as a PDF download.

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