Intruders in the Classroom that Steal & Vandalize: Holidays & Other Special Events Download
Bible teachers, are you aware of and do you prepare for the effects of the holidays in the classroom?
Holidays and other special events have a way of robbing your class of that which is conducive to learning and leaving you with trouble if you aren't careful. When, however, teachers are aware of this reality and take preventative measure, these intruders can be turned into teachable moments.
Order this reproducible teacher training document for basic tips on how to deal with the intrusions and distractions holidays and special events can bring to the classroom. Page 1 deals with how holidays and special events affect the teaching-learning process. Page 2 deals with how the holidays can also rob students of truth and focus on the Lord in their daily lives and how teachers can use these challenges as opportunities to shine the light back on the Lord.
Specifications: 8 1/2 x 11 PDF with 2 pages, download only
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