Handbook on the Basics of Classroom Discipline Download

  • $6.99

Where are Bible teachers to start in managing classroom discipline?

To effectively manage classroom discipline, children's Bible teachers must do more than merely maintain crowd control or apply band-aids to problems. Their task is to be used of God to bring about healing, change, and growth. Order the Handbook on the Basics of Classroom Discipline for 30 classroom discipline tips that will give you a good starting point on which to build.


The basic premise of this reproducible handbook is that teachers need to deal with what is at the root of a child's misbehavior and not merely the symptoms. This must happen on both the preventative and corrective plains.

Please Note: This Handbook on Classroom Discipline is included in the Classroom Discipline Bundle along with three other resources.

Specifications: 8 1/2 x 11 PDF with 40 pages, download only

Outline of the Handbook:

Tips are divided into the following areas:

Basic Understandings
Basic Goals
Basic Structure
Basic Environment
Basic Out-of-Class Strategies
Basic In-Class Strategies
Basic Problems

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  • You have permission to reproduce as many copies of this resource as needed for yourself or for your group. It may not, however, be freely distributed beyond your sphere of ministry.
  • You may not put this information in any format that you would sell.
  • You may not copy this resource in whole or in part onto a web site or into any other digital format.

About the Download:

This handbook is only available as a PDF download.

Adobe Reader is required to open the resource.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the nature of a download, the order cannot be refunded once it is placed.

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