Teaching for Changed Lives Workbook Download to Print One

  • $9.99

Teach God's Word, the Bible, in ways that make a difference in your students' lives -- so they experience changed lives.

Teaching for Changed Lives requires getting beyond merely imparting knowledge or looking for external conformity. In this workbook, you'll learn how to teach in a way that aims at people changing from the inside out. You'll also be reminded that while you, as the right kind of teacher with the right kinds of methods and structure, matter, ultimately it is God who changes hearts and lives. Consequently you'll be reminded of the role of the Holy Spirit in the teaching-learning process.

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Specifications: 8 1/2 x 11 PDF with 64 pages, download only

Table of Contents:

Lesson 1: The Overall Goal of Teaching
Lesson 2: Be the Kind of Teacher Who Makes a Difference
Lesson 3: Teach the Way People Learn Best
Lesson 4: Take Students Far Enough in the Learning Process
Lesson 5: Rely on the Work of the Holy Spirit
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