Bible Teachers' Many Roles in Times of Trouble Download for Up to 25 Copies

  • $16.75

Imagine the impact if all Bible teachers in your church or ministry took on roles in times of trouble beyond their primary teaching responsibilities.

Do people in your church feel like they can find the encouragement, comfort, counsel, and help they need in times of uncertainty, crisis, hurt, or loss? Bible teachers and small group facilitators have the potential to get to know people on a more personal level than in a large group setting and hence have opportunity to come alongside of them when pastors, elders, or other church leaders may not even be aware of the need.

Order this resource for all your teachers to increase the potential for effectively helping more people in your church in their time of need. Bible teachers will learn how these roles can be an extension of what they're already doing.

Specifications: 8 1/2 x 11 PDF with 31 pages counting cover, download only

Table of Contents:

Role of Comforter
Role of Listener
Role of Counselor
Role of Encourager
Role of Intervener

Copying Permissions:

  • You have permission to reproduce up to 25 copies of this resource for use with your teachers.
If you need more than 25 copies of this resource, you will need to order a quantity that fits your needs. For example, if you need 40 copies, then changing the quantity to 2 in your shopping cart would allow you to print that many plus ten more you can use in the future possibly for new teachers.
  • You may not put this information in any format that would be sold.
  • You may not copy this resource in whole or in part onto a web site or into any other digital format.

About the Download:

This resource is only available as a PDF download.

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PLEASE NOTE: Due to the nature of a download, the order cannot be refunded once it is placed.

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