Discipling Students Toward Christ-like Character & Conduct Worksheet Download
Bible teachers, are your students' lives changing, becoming more and more Christ-like inwardly in their character as well as outwardly in their conduct?
Order the Discipling Students Toward Christ-like Character & Conduct Worksheet to determine what constitutes spiritual maturity in the development of Christ-like character and conduct, assess the level your students appear to be at when it comes to such Christ-likeness inwardly as well as outwardly, and think through how to help them get to the next level. You will also consider what happens if your students never grow beyond their current level of spiritual maturity.
PLEASE NOTE: This worksheet is included in the Teacher's Role in Discipling Students toward Spiritual Growth Bundle which includes a PowerPoint Presentation and seven other worksheets on different areas needing spiritual growth.
Sufficient input is provided within this worksheet for it to stand alone as a helpful training resource without the PowerPoint slides.
Specifications: 8 1/2 x 11 PDF with 7 pages, download only
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PLEASE NOTE: Due to the nature of a download, the order cannot be refunded once it is placed.