Staffing Ministry Manual Download to Print One

  • $18.99

Does your staffing for ministry involve more than filling positions?

Use this ministry manual to work at getting the right people into the right ministry at the right time to be used by God to bring about the right kind of growth and health to the Body.

Specifications: 8 1/2 x 11 PDF with 54 pages, download only


In this ministry manual, you'll find what is covered in the Staffing Ministry section of this site plus more.


Objectives, elements, benefits of an effective staffing ministry, profile of people who should be involved in staffing ministry; Also includes an assessment of your current practice

Needs Assessment

Needs assessment defined, Biblical basis, purpose, who should be involved, the process, kinds of questions; Also includes suggested preparations and process for each question and a form for recording conclusions

Ministry Profiling

Fitting the right person based on spiritual gifts, passions, personality, experience and walk with God; Also includes a basic definition of the different spiritual gifts, a list of gifts used in different ministry areas, a manual scoring spiritual gifts test for the 7 gifts in Romans 12:6-8, a personality traits assessment (permission to make as many copies of the tests as you need for your ministry)


How God accomplishes His work, why people should serve, how to motivate people; Also includes how to handle excuses, how to effectively recruit, and questions to think about


Pre-requisites to placement, elements; Also includes a checklist of things to do when placing someone into a position of ministry


Types of training, elements included in effective training, AAA's for gaining maximum participation; Also includes an alternative approach form

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  • You have permission to print one manual when ordering the download from this page. It may not be distributed to others. -- To print more than one manual, at great savings, click here to order the group version.
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