Steering the Church Toward Body Life Leadership Guide Download for Group of 25

  • $31.27

Imagine the difference it would make in steering the Church toward Body Life if all leaders practiced God's design with one another and in their spheres of ministry!

When your whole leadership team functions in accordance with God's design for Body Life, the power of a unified example will speak volumes. Order this guide at a greatly reduced price for up to 25 copies so you can all work to break down barriers that might prevent that from happening.

One of these leadership guides costs $13.97 so you can see that this truly is a savings to be able to print up to 25 copies for your leaders.

Specifications: 8 1/2 x 11 PDF with 95 pages, download only

Table of Contents:

This guide, taken in large part from the site, will help your leadership team look at their responsibility to be an example in functioning according to God's design. 

Leaders Steer the Church toward God’s Design

Leaders Practice God’s Design for Interdependence

Leaders Model God's Design for Unity Out of Diversity

Leaders Live Out God's Design for Dignity of All

Leaders Promote & Practice Body Life in All They Do

change management
church discipline
church finances
church growth
conflict management
facilities management
job (ministry) descriptions
record-keeping and reporting
safety issues
staff evaluations
strategic planning
team building
time management
vision casting & goal setting

This leadership guide specifically looks at the topic through the eyes and responsibilities of leaders whereas the Body Life Ministry Manual could be suitable for use with the entire church body. Consider ordering the Body Life Bundle which includes both resources so your leadership team can gain a more comprehensive view of God's design for the Church.

Copying Permissions:

  • You have permission to reproduce up to 25 copies of this guide for use with your leadership team. It may not, however, be freely distributed beyond your sphere of ministry.
  • You may not put this information in any format that you would sell.
  • You may not copy this resource in whole or in part onto a web site or into any other digital format.
  • If you need more than 25 copies of this leadership guide, you will need to order a quantity that fits your needs. For example, if you need 40 copies, then changing the quantity to 2 in your shopping cart would allow you to print up to fifty.

About the Download:

This leadership guide is only available as a PDF download.

Adobe Reader is required to open the resource.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the nature of a download, the order cannot be refunded once it is placed.

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