Teacher Training Module Only of Christian Education Files Download
Looking for help with Teacher Training of Bible Teachers?
Order the Teacher Training Module of the Christian Education Files resource for administrative help in tailoring the approach and means of training Bible teachers based on an assessment of their needs.
The Teacher Training Module includes the following PDFs:
PLEASE NOTE: These files are the same ones included in the Christian Education Files Download so if you have purchased or plan to purchase that download or the Christian Education Bundle which includes both, you do not need to order this.
Training Approach: 1 page document with five ways teacher training should be approached and some questions to assess what you are doing
Training Means: 29 page document with tips for using 23 different means of training teachers
Training Survey: 2 page teacher training survey which you are permitted to distribute to teachers to assess their greatest needs for training
Copying Permissions:
- You are permitted to copy and use these files in your ministry, with your Christian Education team, and may not distribute it beyond your immediate sphere of ministry (i.e., your church).
- You may not copy this resource in whole or in part onto a web site or into any other digital format.
- You may not resell this item.
About the Download:
This resource is available as a download in a zip file with PDFs inside it.
Files must be extracted from the zip file to use them after saving the download to your computer. Many computers will allow you to do that simply by right clicking on the saved file and then choosing 'Extract All'. Be sure to always use the unzipped folder.
Adobe Reader is required to open the PDFs.
Due to the nature of a download, the order cannot be refunded once it is placed.